C++ Primer For Java Programmers Loop Constructs<< Logical Constructs | Table of Contents | Text Files >>
While loops in C++ like those in Java can be used to create event- and count-controlled loops. The following function which sums a range of integers, illustrates a count-controlled loop in C++ (:source lang=cpp:)int sumInts( int from, int to ) { int sum = 0; int i = from; while( i <= to ) { sum += i; i++; } return sum; } Event-controlled loops are typically used when extracting data from files and for user interaction. The following function illustrates the use of an event-controlled loop to extract and sum positive integer values from the user. (:source lang=cpp:)int sumUserValues() { int sum = 0; int value; /* We must extract the first value before the loop. */ scanf( "%d", &value ); while( value > 0 ) { /* We use the extracted value. */ sum += value; /* Extract the next value from the user. */ scanf( "%d", &value ); } return sum; } For LoopsDo-While Loops