C++ Primer For Java Programmers

The Standard Library

<< Function Declarations | Table of Contents | Standard IO >>
C++ contains a large standard library which includes all of the standard C library in addition to many additional modules containing C++ specific classes and functions.

Include Directive

To use a module from the standard library, you use the #include compiler directive. Modules from the C library are specified with the letter c preceding their name

(:source lang=cpp:)
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>

while C++ specific modules are indicated by name alone

(:source lang=cpp:)
#include <fstream>

The include directive has two forms. The bracket form illustrated above instructs the compiler to search for modules in the system directories only. To include a custom module (or one not located in he system directories), the module name is enclosed within double quotes

(:source lang=cpp:)
#include "mymodule.h"
#include "graphics/window.h"

Modules in C++ consists of two files: a header file and an implementation file. When a module is included within a program, it is the header file (with a .h extension) that is actually included. Thus, all non standard C and C++ library modules will be specified using a .h file extension.


The latest version of the C++ language has defined the use of namespaces which allow for duplication of function and class names within difference namespaces. All of the standard C++ modules use the std namespace. To use a function, variable or class from the standard namespace, you must either preceed the identifier with std

(:source lang=cpp:)
#include <iostream>

int main()
  int age;

  std.cout << "How old are you? ";
  std.cin >> age;

or explicity tell the compiler you are using the standard namespace with the using clause

(:source lang=cpp:)
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
  int age;

  cout << "How old are you? ";
  cin >> age;

Standard Library Modules

The following is a list of the standard C library modules included in C++

Header File Description
cctype character handling functions.
cerrno error codes reported by some C functions.
cfloat characteristics of floating-point types.
climits sizes of integer types.
cmath C mathematical functions.
csignal signal handling functions and values.
cstdarg variable arguments handling.
cstddef C standard definitions.
cstdio C standard and file input/output routines.
cstdlib C standard general utility functions.
cstring C-style string functions.
ctime time and date routines.

The following is a list of the standard C++ library modules

Header File Description
string C++ string class for creating string objects.
algorithm special collection of functions used on ranges.
bitset container for storing bits.
deque double ended queue.
list sequence container implemented as a doubly-linked list.
map map or dictionary type ADT.
multimap multi-keyed map.
multiset multi-key set.
priority_queue priority queue ADT.
queue the general queue ADT.
set strucutre used for storing unique elements.
stack the general stack ADT.
vector the general vector ADT.

<< Function Declarations | Table of Contents | Standard IO >>

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Last modified: April 28, 2007, at 05:18 PM.