MIPS Reference

Branching And Logic

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High-level languages typically provide constructs for creating structured programs. Assembly languages, however, provide no such statements. Instead, selection and repetition type statements are constructed using jumps and branches. Consider the following sample code segment which stores a value in register t0 based on the value in register t1.

       lw   $t0, 1
       beq  $t1, $zero, end
         lw   $t0, 2
         j    end
  two: lw  $t0, 3
  end: li  $v0, 1
       move $a0, $t0


MIPS provides several jump or branching statements, of which some of the more common ones are listed below

beq rs, rt, label
jumps to the instruction at label if rs == rt.
bne rs, rt, label
jumps to the instruction at label if rs != rt.
bgtz rs, label
jumps to the instruction at label if rs > 0.
bgez rs, label
jumps to the instruction at label if rs >= 0.
bltz rs, label
jumps to the instruction at label if rs < 0.
blez rs, label
jumps to the instruction at label if rs <= 0.
j label
unconditionally jump to the instruction at label.

Logical Conditions

The MIPS assembly instructions perform simple comparisons between two registers or compare a register against the value of zero to determine when to jump to a given location. While most programs require more detailed comparisons such as x >= y, all logical expressions can be reduced to a value of zero or one and then used with the branching statements. The MIPS set statements are used for this purpose as illustrated below

       lw   $t0, 1
       slt  $t1, $t2, $t3
       bne  $t1, $zero, end
         lw   $t0, 2
         j    end
  two: lw  $t0, 3
  end: li  $v0, 1
       move $a0, $t0

The MIPS conditional operations are described below

slt rd, rs, rt
sets register rd to 1 if rs < rt; otherwise, rd is set to 0.
sltu rd, rs, rt
the same as slt but for unsigned integers.
slti rd, rs, imm
the same as slt but for compares rs against the give literal value.
sltiu rd, rs, imm
the same as slti but for unsigned integers.

Pesudo Instructions

Several pesudo instructions for logical conditions are also available

seq rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2
sets register rdest to 1 if register rsrc1 == register rsrc2, and 0 otherwise.
seq rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2
sets register rdest to 1 if register rsrc1 == register rsrc2, and 0 otherwise.
sequ rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2
same as seq but for unsigned values.
sne rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2
same as seq but determines if rsrc1 != rsrc2
sgt rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2
same as seq but determines if rsrc1 != rsrc2
sgtu rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2
sge rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2

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MIPS Processor and Assembly Language Reference

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Last modified: September 17, 2008, at 02:56 PM.