Preliminaries<< | Table of Contents | Message Passing Blocking >>
int MPI_Init( int *argc, char **argv[] ) Initializes the MPI environment. This routine must be the first MPI function called by each process in the virtual computer.
(:endfnct:) (:begfnct mpi_finalize:) int MPI_Finalize() Terminates the MPI environment and should be called by at the end of the program by every process in the virtual computer. (:endfnct:) (:begfnct mpi_rank:) int MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_Comm comm, int *pid ) Used by a process to determine its rank or process id number within a communicator.
(:endfnct:) (:begfnct mpi_size:) int MPI_Comm_size( MPI_Comm comm, int *size ) Used by a process to determine the total number of processes associated with a given communicator.
(:endfnct:) (:begfnct mpi_barrier:) int MPI_Barrier( MPI_Comm comm ) Blocks all processes in the given communicator group until all processes have executed the function call. (:endfnct:) (:begfnct mpi_wtime:) double MPI_Wtime() Returns the elapsed time, in seconds, from some point in the past.